Let's think about exploration!
We have learned about two different explorers from different countries. Now, it is time to think about exploration. Use what you have learned from these important historical people and think about the idea of exploring.
You are going to be writing an essay very soon in Canadian Studies, but you are going to first think about the topics.
1. Exploration is important for countries.
2. Exploration can create conflict and misunderstanding.
Your job today:
1. Can you find three different pictures to show how exploration is important for countries? Explain each one carefully in 5-8 sentences. Each picture should show a different perspective on why exploration is important.
Remember to record where you got your picture from.
Answer the same questions for topic #2
Thursday, March 26, 2009
BIG Problem about the Provincial Exam!!!!!!!
Dear Ms.Chan:
Hello!!!About this exam, I can't say anything because I have nothing to say... Can they use the normal vocabularies for the exam so that the normal person can understand what they want to say~Can they make the story shorter that make me not crazy?~ So confusing...Oh~...I'm dead...
Hello!!!About this exam, I can't say anything because I have nothing to say... Can they use the normal vocabularies for the exam so that the normal person can understand what they want to say~Can they make the story shorter that make me not crazy?~ So confusing...Oh~...I'm dead...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Answer for the fur trade...
Find and post 5 pictures of the fur trade.

http://images.google.cn/imgres?imgurl=http://www.coolschool.ca/lor/FN12/unit2/U02L01/performer%2520Gus%2520Baptiste.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.coolschool.ca/lor/FN12/unit2/U02L01.htm&usg=__0KEcesqFbLrOiRG2SIeXpGj2ciE=&h=2048&w=1536&sz=1787&hl=zh-CN&start=77&tbnid=kdA2sijmHwORhM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfur%2Btrade%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26sa%3DN%26start%3D60%26newwindow%3D1 ---5

http://www3.nfb.ca/web428x321/Films/19806/19806_1.jpg ---4
http://images.google.cn/imgres?imgurl=http://www.coolschool.ca/lor/FN12/unit2/U02L01/performer%2520Gus%2520Baptiste.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.coolschool.ca/lor/FN12/unit2/U02L01.htm&usg=__0KEcesqFbLrOiRG2SIeXpGj2ciE=&h=2048&w=1536&sz=1787&hl=zh-CN&start=77&tbnid=kdA2sijmHwORhM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfur%2Btrade%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26sa%3DN%26start%3D60%26newwindow%3D1 ---5
The Fur Trade~~
Welcome back to a busy week! Here is your lesson for today!
The fur trade is very important to Canadian history. The beginnings of the fur trade began as the Europeans tried to find the Northwest Passage to Asia.You have two computer classes to complete this.
What is the fur trade?
1. Find and post 5 pictures of the fur trade. Explain what you see in each picture in 5-8 sentences. (Remember to post where you got the picture from!)
You will be marked on...
Read page 223 in your textbook. There is some important information here for you!
Finish this entry on the fur trade in two computer classes.
Have some free time when you are finished!
The fur trade is very important to Canadian history. The beginnings of the fur trade began as the Europeans tried to find the Northwest Passage to Asia.You have two computer classes to complete this.
What is the fur trade?
1. Find and post 5 pictures of the fur trade. Explain what you see in each picture in 5-8 sentences. (Remember to post where you got the picture from!)
You will be marked on...
- Depth of your writing (Do you think deep about the picture?)
- Grammar and Spelling (Do you write clearly and correctly?)
- Content (What did you write about?)
- Instructions (Did you post where you got the picture from? Do you have 5-8 sentences?)
- Effort (How much "heart" did you put into it?)
Read page 223 in your textbook. There is some important information here for you!
Finish this entry on the fur trade in two computer classes.
Have some free time when you are finished!
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